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Chinese dairy imports boost in June, Cream exceeds Butter!

Chinese dairy imports fly in June, with considerable increases in both quantity and value for cheeses, WMP, infant formula milk, butter, whey powder, cream. SMP imports grew by 45.4% while remaining stationary with reference to unit prices. In the first

Posted in Butter, China, Cream, Import

Italy: lower imports and more dairy exports, especially to Africa

Italian dairy exports between January and April increased in volume (+10.2%) and in value (+11.3%) on a trend basis, while imports declined (-12.7%). The trade balance is still negative: 838,087 tons imported against the 330,663 exported, but the balance sheet

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Posted in Cream, Dairy export, Import, Italy

Italian dairy products: export value grows

In the first quarter of 2017, the Italian dairy products grew export’s value by 10.9% on a trend basis. Better than volume, up to 10%. Boom for whey’s (+ 80.2%) in value. Positive export in March for cheeses, compared with

Posted in Cheese, Cream, Dairy export, Italy

Shorter cream supplies in South America [News South America n°3/2017]

Period: February 6 – March 3, 2017 Argentina Milk production: continues decreasing as many cows died due to the recent floods. Weather situation: has improved in the recently flooded dairy states of Córdoba and Santa Fe. However, the current high summer temperatures are boosting heat stress

Posted in Cream, News South America, South America