Blog Archives

New Zealand: positive signs from the GDT and Chinese imports [News Oceania n°7/2020]

Period: March 16 – 27, 2020 In Australia, some agricultural banks project that Australian milk production this season will be -4.9% lower than last season. Very good demand is expected to help seasonal farmgate milk prices for producers. Australian milk

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

New Zealand: Cheddar exports keep moving despite Coronavirus [News Oceania n°5/2020]

Period: February 17 – 28, 2020 In Australia, January – December 2019 milk production decreased 4.3% from 2018. July – January milk production is lower of 3.7% compared to the same period of last year. Considering the fire and drought

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Coronavirus affects WMP and SMP prices [News Oceania n°4/2020]

Period: February 3 – 14, 2020 In Australia, dairy impacts of the raging fires remain to be quantified. Producers had already been reducing herd numbers due to tight feed. The fire aftermath left many dead cows and destroyed crops, both

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Extreme weather conditions: Australian Milk production impacted [News Oceania n°1/2020]

Period: December 9, 2019 – January 3, 2020 Milk production in Australia continues the seasonal decline. During November, milk production was 3.4 percent below November last year. High heat records were broken in the last weeks in Victoria. Melbourne record

Posted in Australia_, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Wet weather slows down New Zealand’s milk productions [News Oceania n°14/2017]

Period: September 18 – 29, 2017 Fonterra, the large dairy cooperative, has announced plans to increase the milk supply in Australia as well as dairy processing capacity. There is a waiting list of dairy producers hoping to join the coop, partly developed

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Milk prices increased in Oceania [News Oceania n°10/2017]

Period: July 24 – August 4, 2017 On July 27, Fonterra announced to the New Zealand farmers a forecast Farmgate Milk Price for the 2017/2018 season increased by 0.25 New Zealand Dollars, to NZD 6.75 per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS) or

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Australian export: milk grew, while cheese, butter and SMP decreased

VOLUMES: Australia exports in DECEMBER 2016 compared to December 2015 increased in volumes for: Condensed Milk (+36.6%) Infant milk formula (+11.4%) Cheese (+0.7%) decreased for: WMP (-2.4%) Liquid milk (-8.0%) SMP (-15.9%) Butter (-27.5%) UNIT PRICES: The unit prices of

Posted in Australia_, Dairy export

Brexit: which effects for the dairy market?

The UK does not cover its milk needs. Its self-sufficiency rate is 88% (year 2015). During 2015 the UK imported 494,000 tons of Cheese, which corresponded to 1,803 million Euro, and 106,000 tons of Butter, which corresponded to 363 million

Posted in Australia_, Dairy export, EU, New Zealand, Oceania_, United Kingdom

Is the future of dairy in New Zealand really in the EU hands? [News Oceania n°13/2016]

Period: June 13 – 24, 2016 AUSTRALIA Milk production: the 2015/2016 production season is nearing an end. Weather situation: recent rains have eased drought conditions. Milk producers: following recent rains there has been an easing of demand for fodder. Good grass feeding has

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_

Australia doubles milk and cream export (April 2016)

Australia exports in April 2016 compared to April 2015 increased in volumes for: Infant milk formula (+292.8%) Milk and cream (+50.2%) WMP (+23.8%) Butter (+2.6%) decreased for: Cheese (-3.1%) SMP (-26.5%) The main Importers of Milk and cream in the

Posted in Australia_, Dairy export