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Future perspectives and news from the South American Dairy Sector

By Observatory of the Argentine Dairy Chain – OCLA, Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Argentine Dairy – FunPEL General features The pandemic / quarantine / vaccines effect generates different direct and indirect impacts on employment, inflation, and the

Posted in Argentina_en, Brazil, Chile, South America, Uruguay_en

Less milk available for processing companies [News South America n°11/2020]

Period: June 23 – July 17, 2020 In Brazil, Milk production is decreasing. The lack of rains is reducing the availability and the quality of forage in most dairy basins. Due to the decrease in raw milk accessibility, farmgate milk

Posted in Argentina_en, Brazil, News South America, South America, Uruguay_en

Argentina: WMP Export on the rise [News South America n°9/2020]

Period: April 27 – May 22, 2020 In Argentina and Uruguay, farm Milk production is steadily improving, with volumes that are more than enough to meet most manufacturing needs. The cream market remains firm, but butterfat supplies are slowly becoming

Posted in Argentina_en, Brazil, News South America, South America, Uruguay_en

WMP prices shifted higher in South America [News South America n°3/2016]

Period: November 14 – 25, 2016 Argentina Milk production: is seasonally trending lower, but still in good balance with processing needs. Milk producers: pasture conditions are good in the main dairy basins of Córdoba, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires. In October, farmgate milk

Posted in Argentina_en, Brazil, Chile, News South America, South America, Uruguay_en

Brazil: farmers ask for a regulation of WMP imports [News South America n°1/2016]

Period: October 17 – 28, 2016 Argentina Milk production: near to the peak of the spring flush. Weather situation: although rainfalls are present in the main dairy basins, milk yields have been marginally affected. Milk producers: pasture conditions should be good in Cordoba, Santa Fe

Posted in Argentina_en, Brazil, Chile, News South America, Uruguay_en