Steady SMP and WMP prices in South America [News South America n°9/2017]

Period: November 27 – December 8, 2017

In Argentina and Uruguay warmer summer temperatures are gradually boosting heat stress on dairy cows. As a consequence, milk production is decreasing, but still sufficient to meet manufacturing needs. Milkfat and protein contents in milk are trending lower as well.

Milk production remains high in Brazil, while farmgate milk prices slightly decreased.

SMP export prices were steady. Several manufacturers prioritize WMP drying schedules instead SMP, while regional demand for SMP from the food processing industry is slightly improving.

WMP export prices and market conditions have been steady. The bottom of the pricing range is reflecting active export trades outside the Mercosur bloc, mainly to Algeria and Russia. Production is active.

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the dairy market in South America
on > - SMP and WMP export prices in South America – SMP and WMP export prices in South America

Source: USDA summarized by the CLAL Team
Note: assessments about market trend are expressed in US$
More informations about dairy market in Argentina, Brazil and Chile are available on

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The team is composed of young people who with the help of Computer Science study the dairy market and develop tools to provide the Operators of the dairy sector with a comprehensive real-time view of the national and international market trends.

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Posted in News South America, South America