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Milk price: Fonterra and Synlait raised the estimated payout [News Oceania n°24/2016]

Period: November 14 – 25, 2016 AUSTRALIA Milk production: in October 2016 has been -11.39% below October 2015. Weather situation: weather conditions generally began to dry, following a wet early spring. Milk producers: hay conditions have been favorably impacted by the dry conditions,

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Posted in News Oceania EN, Oceania_

WMP pricing: a boost to farmers in New Zealand [News Oceania n°23/2016]

Period: October 31 – November 11, 2016 AUSTRALIA Milk production: is tailing off from the likely peak. Currently, seasonal projections are projected to be 6-8% lower versus the prior year. Weather situation: wet conditions remain pervasive, hampering current milk output. The positive side is there

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Posted in New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_, Quotations