Butter price goes off the charts

Operators are facing worldwide a singular situation: the prices of Butter, Cream and Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) have reached unprecedented levels. The trend is still rising, and it becomes necessary to understand why.

CLAL.it - World: comparative historical overview of butter prices

CLAL.it – World: comparative historical overview of butter prices

Southeast Asia, Middle East and the other biggest regions importing these products increase their demand, which cannot be met. The reason is the low milk supply.

The EU-28, Australia, Argentina and New Zealand have shown a decrease in milk production compared to the previous year, since June 2016, mainly due to the lower farm-gate milk price. Even the intersection of seasonality affects the picture: we are now approaching a period when milk production in the Northern Hemisphere has started to fall from the seasonal peak, while in the Southern Hemisphere milk supply is gradually recovering.

CLAL.it - Production season overview in the Northern and Southern hemispheres

CLAL.it – Production season overview in the Northern and Southern hemispheres

Given these premises, the Butter & Cream Slideshow guides the Operators through a more complete analysis of these markets, visualizing with charts and tables the trends of Production, Consumption, Import/Export, Stocks and Prices.

Be careful: the access to the Butter & Cream Slideshow is open for this week only.

Butter and Cream Slideshow

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The CLAL.it team is composed of young people who with the help of Computer Science study the dairy market and develop tools to provide the Operators of the dairy sector with a comprehensive real-time view of the national and international market trends.

Posted in Butter, Quotations

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