China: packaged Milk imports continue to recover

+34.1% China dairy import,
in volume,
September 2017

From January to September 2017, Chinese imports of dairy products increased in volume by 11.9% on a trend basis and by 34.1% in September, after the +28.7% recorded last August.

In September 2017, the dairy products which recorded higher growth compared to the same month of 2016 are:

  • Cream (+93.5%)
  • SMP (+78.6%)
  • WMP (+242%)
  • Yogurt (+205%)
  • Infant milk formula (+55.1%)

Noteworthy is the recovery in imports of packaged Milk, that began in August 2017 (+7.4% in August and +32.6% in September). Germany (36% share) and New Zealand (26% share) increased their exports of packaged Milk to China by 32% and 38% respectively in the last two months, compared to the same period of 2016.

Growth of milk Cream continues, showing an increase by 54.7% in the first nine months of 2017. China’s main supplier of Cream were New Zealand (32% share) and France (21% share), whose exports to China expanded by 85.5% and 28.6%, respectively.

Will the recent agreement signed by Centrale del Latte d’Italia S.p.A. and Alibaba Group, for the sale of 100% Italian long-life (UHT) whole milk on the Chinese market, further increase the current trend?

CHINA: dairy products Import year-to-date (September)
  QUANTITY (Tons) VALUE (’000 USD)
2016 2017 ± on 2016 2016 2017 ± on 2016
Infant milk formula 155.129 206.365 +33,0% 2.114.367 2.808.024 +32,8%
WMP 344.689 398.092 +15,5% 869.997 1.298.377 +49,2%
Milk and cream 473.166 468.174 -1,1% 478.498 600.117 +25,4%
of which:    
- Liquid milk 408.072 367.446 -10,0% 303.375 294.939 -2,8%
- Cream 65.095 100.728 +54,7% 175.123 305.178 +74,3%
Whey Powder 374.625 397.396 +6,1% 330.626 514.046 +55,5%
SMP 152.054 201.043 +32,2% 325.110 488.777 +50,3%
Butter 64.643 74.646 +15,5% 236.518 390.021 +64,9%
Cheese 70.401 84.787 +20,4% 302.002 384.171 +27,2%
Other products* 107.516 119.828 +11,5% 189.947 234.622 +23,5%
TOTAL IMPORT 1.742.223 1.950.331 +11,9% 4.847.065 6.718.157 +38,6%
* Other products: Caseinates, Lactose Pharmaceutical, Yogurt and buttermilk, Condensed Milk, Lactose edible
Data processed by Clal based on GTIS source.

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Posted in China, Import