Corn and Soybeans n°7/2014: market dynamics

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in the WASDE report of July 2014, forecasts for the season 2014-15 a global Corn production of 980.96 Mio t, lower from the current season, ending August 31 (984.45 Mio t).

It is expected that global ending stocks are going to reach the record 188.05 Mio t, which puts downward pressure on corn prices.

Favorable early July crop conditions and weather support an outlook for record yields across most of the Corn Belt, however, for much of the crop, the critical pollination period will be during middle and late July.

Based on the July report, USDA projects that 2014-15 global Soybean production will rise 304.79 Mio t: +1.6% from June estimates and +7.4% from the current season, ending September 30, reflecting higher harvested area in the U.S., Russia and Ukraine.

In China, the second biggest producer of Corn, the production is expected at 220 Mio t, higher compared to the previous seasons, based on higher area. The Soybean production in China, the biggest Soybean importer, is expected unchanged at 12 Mio t, while imports are expected to increase (73 Mio t).

Report n°7 (July 2014) about prices, production and global trade prospects for 2014-15 season.
MAIS-SOIA-JUL-2014-EN.pdf (733 kB)
Corn & Soybeans - July 2014: Report about prices, production and global trade prospects for 2014-15 season.

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Elisabetta Viari

With a degree in Computer Science with specialization in IT for Management Level, she belongs to the Team. The Team is composed of young people who, with the help of Computer Science, study the dairy market and develop tools to provide the Operators of the dairy sector with a comprehensive real-time view of the Italian and international market trends.

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Posted in China, Corn, Feed, Soy, United States

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