Period: June 11 – 22, 2018
Australia milk production in the first 11 months of the 2017/18 season (Jul 2017 – May 2018) has always been higher than the 2016/17 season and has recorded an overall increase of 3.7%. In May 2018 milk production was +6.5% in comparison with May 2017.
Good demand from China (WMP and SMP) and from Japan (Cheese and Butter)
With New Zealand milk production data through May now final, the 2017-18 season was very similar (+0.15%) to the previous year. Early in the season that just ended, very wet conditions let to poor pasture growth. That was followed by very dry conditions. Then late in the season there was a rebound.
New Zealand+0.15%milk production
Jun 2017 – May 2018
Dairy commodities prices in Oceania are decreasing.
The SMP market weakened following a decision to lift offered SMP volumes at last week’s GDT event.
Oceania Butter and WMP prices are lower and below price levels in Western Europe.
Also the Cheddar Cheese price is decreasing, after the May peak. The supplies of cheese being manufactured in the U.S. and EU have allowed Buyers in Oceania to be more rigid in what they are willing to pay.
– Assessments about market trend are expressed in US$;
– Dairy season: July, 1st – June, 30th (Australia), June, 1st – May, 31st (New Zealand);
– Source: USDA summarized by the CLAL Team