SMP and WMP export prices are stable in South America [News South America n°18/2018]

Period: September 3 – 14, 2018

Milk production continues improving as comfortable temperatures support cows’ yield throughout South America.

Milk requests from cheese, milk caramel, yogurt, and fluid milk processors are very active. Cheese production, especially mozzarella, is ongoing with good demands from restaurants, pizzerias, and retailers. Inventories of UHT milk and mozzarella cheese continue building.

SMP export prices have been stable in South America. The demand for SMP inside and outside the Mercosur bloc is fair to good, while inventories are steadily building.

WMP export prices have been stable, too. There is more than enough condensed milk volumes and therefore, WMP drying schedules are very active in this region. Demands from Algeria is fair, but stagnant from Brazil.

See all the information in the new webpage dedicated to the dairy market in South America on > - SMP and WMP export prices in South America – SMP and WMP export prices in South America

Source: USDA summarized by the CLAL Team
Note: assessments about market trend are expressed in US$
More informations about dairy market in Argentina, Brazil and Chile are available on

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The team is composed of young people who with the help of Computer Science study the dairy market and develop tools to provide the Operators of the dairy sector with a comprehensive real-time view of the national and international market trends.

Posted in News South America, South America