EU exports of SMP and butter are still rising

EU-28 exports in July 2015 compared to July 2014 increased in volumes for Condensed Milk (+47.1%), Butter (+40.4%), WMP (+16.9%), SMP (+10.9%), Infant milk formula (+0.3%), Whey Powder (+0.2%) while decreased for Cheese (-15.7%).

The main purchasing countries of Cheese in the first 7 months of 2015 (year over year) were:

  • United States import, accounting for 19% of market share, increased by 20.5%
  • Japan import, accounting for 10% of market share, increased by 54.9%
  • Switzerland import, accounting for 8% of market share, increased by 1.8%

The main purchasing countries of SMP in the first 7 months of 2015 (y-o-y) were:

  • Algeria import, accounting for 15% of market share, decreased by 30.6%
  • Egypt import, accounting for 9% of market share, increased by 57.1%
  • China import, accounting for 8% of market share, decreased by 25.3%

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EU-28: Dairy Trade year-to-date (July)
  EXPORT (Ton)
2015 ± on 2014
Infant milk formula 244.864 +6,9%
Cheese 402.960 -11,1%
SMP 419.223 +9,3%
WMP 234.457 -5,0%
Whey Powder 356.399 +3,4%
Butter 112.485 +22,5%
Condensed Milk 204.594 +15,5%
Other products* 532.510 +15,2%
TOTAL EXPORT 2.507.492 +5,0%
  IMPORT (Ton)
2015 ± on 2014
Cheese 35.434 -29,3%
Casein 9.718 -0,5%
Butter 13.998 -61,7%
Infant milk formula 4.266 +23,5%
Caseinates 2.693 -16,2%
Whey Powder 57.849 +1,3%
Lactose Pharm. 2.629 -5,8%
Other products* 5.600 -36,5%
TOTAL IMPORT 132.187 -23,1%
* Other products: Bulk and pack. milk, Caseinates, Casein, Lactose Pharmaceutical, Lactose edible
Data processed by Clal based on GTIS source.
* Other products: WMP, SMP, Condensed Milk, Bulk and pack. milk, Lactose edible
Data processed by Clal based on GTIS source.
VALUE (Mio USD) 2012 2013 2014 year-to-date (July)
2014 2015 ± on 2014
Export (E) 14.422 16.195 18.387 11.456 8.739 -23,7%
Import (I) 1.073 1.092 1.214 753 465 -38,2%
Balance (E – I) 13.349 15.102 17.173 10.704 8.274 -22,7%

EU-28 exports in July 2015 compared to July 2014 increased in volumes for Condensed Milk (+47.1%), Butter (+40.4%), WMP (+16.9%), SMP (+10.9%), Infant milk formula (+0.3%), Whey Powder (+0.2%) while decreased for Cheese (-15.7%).

The main purchasing countries of Cheese in the first 7 months of 2015 (year over year) were:

  • United States import, accounting for 19% of market share, increased by 20.5%
  • Japan import, accounting for 10% of market share, increased by 54.9%
  • Switzerland import, accounting for 8% of market share, increased by 1.8%

The main purchasing countries of SMP in the first 7 months of 2015 (y-o-y) were:

  • Algeria import, accounting for 15% of market share, decreased by 30.6%
  • Egypt import, accounting for 9% of market share, increased by 57.1%
  • China import, accounting for 8% of market share, decreased by 25.3%

Do you need additional information on dairy Import/Export? Subscribe to the Dairy World Trade area on – EU-28: Total Export in Milk Equivalent (ME) by region of destination (year-to-date) – EU-28: Total Export in Milk Equivalent (ME) by region of destination (year-to-date)

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Posted in Dairy export, EU

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