EU Export: slowdown in sales of Cheese

In the first 10 months of 2017, EU dairy export increased in volume (+6%) and in value (+16.8%), compared to the same period of the previous year. In fact, from January to October, 4.36 million tons of dairy products were exported, amounting to € 13.36 billions.

In milk equivalent, European exports of cheese, milk powders, butter, condensed milk, milk, cream and yogurt increased by 2.29 million tons, more than offsetting the increase of 1.15 million tons of milk produced in the period January-October 2017.

October 2017 data confirm the positive export trend of cream (+ 40.7%), infant formula (+ 32.3%), milk powders (SMP + 20.4%, WMP + 2.2%) and whey powders (+ 6.6%).

There was a slowdown in European cheese exports in the months of September and October 2017 (respectively -7.3% and -2%) compared to the same two months of 2016, with lower quantities imported from South Korea. However, the price per kg of cheese exported outside the EU in the two months considered, has increased by 9.1%.

If we analyze the first 10 months of 2017, EU cheese exports grew by 4.4%, even if the United States, the largest importer, slightly reduced the purchases (-0.3%), especially from France and the Netherlands, respectively second and third suppliers after Italy.

EU-28: dairy products Export year-to-date (October)
2016 2017 ± on 2016 2016 2017 ± on 2016
Infant milk formula 389.477 451.612 +16,0% 3.295.530 3.697.471 +12,2%
Cheese 665.932 695.280 +4,4% 2.988.081 3.332.049 +11,5%
SMP 478.678 663.481 +38,6% 932.904 1.398.606 +49,9%
WMP 329.558 337.014 +2,3% 949.646 1.163.903 +22,6%
Whey Powder 536.950 544.716 +1,4% 669.637 804.019 +20,1%
Butter 184.677 149.667 -19,0% 731.287 789.105 +7,9%
Milk and cream 898.451 833.625 -7,2% 685.545 769.944 +12,3%
of which:
- Bulk and pack. milk 771.567 677.377 -12,2% 416.549 407.556 -2,2%
- Cream 126.885 156.248 +23,1% 268.996 362.388 +34,7%
Condensed Milk 231.381 272.696 +17,9% 360.946 453.283 +25,6%
Yogurt and butterm. 140.293 155.577 +10,9% 247.923 288.039 +16,2%
Caseinates 74.784 51.167 -31,6% 205.715 234.113 +13,8%
Casein 37.378 35.580 -4,8% 203.473 212.804 +4,6%
Lactose Pharm. 139.024 161.164 +15,9% 160.082 208.116 +30,0%
Other products* 9.081 10.117 +11,4% 7.925 7.701 -2,8%
TOTAL EXPORT 4.115.665 4.361.695 +6,0% 11.438.694 13.359.153 +16,8%
* Other products: Lactose edibleData processed by Clal based on GTIS source.

Do you need additional information on dairy Import/Export? Subscribe to the Dairy World Trade area on – EU-28: main purchasing countries of Cheese – EU-28: main purchasing countries of Cheese – EU-28: Total Export in Milk Equivalent (ME) by region of destination (year-to-date) – EU-28: Total Export in Milk Equivalent (ME) by region of destination (year-to-date)

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Posted in Cheese, Dairy export, EU