Wet weather slows down New Zealand’s milk productions [News Oceania n°14/2017]

Period: September 18 – 29, 2017

Fonterra, the large dairy cooperative, has announced plans to increase the milk supply in Australia as well as dairy processing capacity. There is a waiting list of dairy producers hoping to join the coop, partly developed as a reaction to recent Murray Goulburn difficulties. Expansion of capacity will be focused initially on cheese, whey and dairy nutritionals.

-1.56% New Zealand milk production,
August 2017

Prolonged wet weather in New Zealand has stalled previously projected seasonal growth in dairy production. August production volumes were -1.56% lower than August 2016.

Domestic butter supplies in Australia remain tight. Retail prices are starting to generate comments from consumers.

No significant changes in Cheddar prices are expected in coming weeks.

Lower expectations for seasonal milk production in New Zealand helped WMP prices, which firmed (+2.83% AVG on previous update).

See all the information
in the new webpage dedicated
to Oceania dairy market
on CLAL.it >

CLAL.it - Milk productions in New Zealand

CLAL.it – Milk productions in New Zealand

– Assessments about market trend are expressed in US$;
– Dairy season: July, 1st – June, 30th (Australia), June, 1st – May, 31st (New Zealand);
– Source: USDA summarized by the CLAL Team
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The CLAL.it team is composed of young people who with the help of Computer Science study the dairy market and develop tools to provide the Operators of the dairy sector with a comprehensive real-time view of the national and international market trends.

Posted in Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_