Blog Archives

India turns to import to reply at dairy demand

Di: Ester Venturelli India is the main milk producer in the world. Nevertheless, domestic production is generally equal to consumption and the Country has a self-sufficiency of about 100%. This year, though, we could observe dynamics that are very different

Posted in Dairy View EN, India

Rising Soybean local prices and production in China

With over 66 million tonnes of Cereals and over 102 million tonnes of Oilseeds imported in 2021, China is the largest importing country in the world. Furthermore, China holds 68% of the world Corn stocks, 36% of the Soybean stocks

Posted in China, Corn, Soy

India plans to grow exports of dairy products (and not only)

With cow’s milk production expected to increase in 2022 (+2.1%) as well as other types of milk such as buffalo, sheep and goat’s milk (+ 2.4%, source USDA), India aims to export to Countries in SouthEast Asia and Middle East

Posted in Dairy export, India

Favorable weather for milk production in Oceania and South America [The Austral - August 2021]

The Austral news offers the latest information on the dairy market in Oceania and South America. Oceania: active interest from Northern Asian and African Butter buyers In New Zealand, milk production in July 2021 recorded +6.6% compared to July 2020.

Posted in News Oceania EN, News South America, Oceania_

Agricultural Market: Corn, Soy, Wheat and Sunflower Seeds [July 2021 VIDEO]

The videonews “Agricultural Market” offers a selection of recent information on agricultural commodities used for livestock feeding. Severe climatic events are affecting different parts of the world. California, Canada and Brazil are experiencing extreme drought. The heat wave also hit

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Posted in Agri View, Corn, Soy

The new production season for Oceania has begun [The Austral - July 2021]

The Austral news offers the latest information on the dairy market in Oceania and South America. Oceania: agreement to phase out tariffs on dairy exports between Australia and United Kingdom With an increase of +7.6% in May 2021, the dairy

Posted in Argentina_en, Australia_, New Zealand, News Oceania EN, Oceania_, South America

Fonterra sets opening 2021/22 forecast Farmgate Milk Price [The Austral - June 2021]

The Austral news offers the latest information on the dairy market in Oceania and South America. Oceania: increase in exports of Fresh Cheeses to Southeast Asia In Australia, the new dairy season will start on July 1st. The data for the first 9

Posted in News Oceania EN, Oceania_, South America

Corn and Soybean: prices and market updates | June 2021

CORN USDA released the June update on the Corn and Soybean markets. Agricultural Year 2021/2022 The Beginning Stocks of Corn for the 2021/22 season are estimated to decrease compared to the May forecast, affected by the revisions on the current

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Posted in Brazil, Corn, Soy, United States

Corn and Soybean: prices and market updates | May 2021 [VIDEO]

First USDA Forecast for the 2021-2022 season for the Corn and Soybean markets: global production is estimated to increase, positively affecting the ending stocks, while prices in the main markets remain high. Michele from the and TESEO Team illustrates

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Posted in Corn, Soy

Dairy supply, demand and prices in Oceania and South America [The Austral - May 2021]

The Austral news concentrates the latest information on the dairy market in Oceania and South America. Oceania: Fonterra has invested in a new foodservice application centre in China Australian current milk production is near the seasonal low. Fonterra announced its opening milk price

Posted in Oceania_, South America